Real Estate Investor / Guide

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How to get numbers for repairs / remodels-

G.C.'s that are what people expect (*hands off) are REALLY hard to find. I have great success ONLY because I am in control. (*note-I was a GC for 20yrs) However- everyone can be in control, with facts if they are willing to gather them or pay for them. i.e. inspections, line item estimates, etc. The reality is that if and when I dont' know the price for something I tend to take the same process that I would suggest to my clients now (I package deals for investors who don't have time or money to learn via failures); take the info from the pro's (min. inspection report) and break it down into a spreadsheet like process. Electrical all together, plumbing all together, etc. Then look up and contact 10 of those trades via email.
I have a home that needs xyz done via an inspection report I have that indicate the following- I would like to know what it would cost to have your company come and repair this issue and done in this time frame.

Include all the info- (not the docs)_ and photos. ONLY in regards to their portion of the bid.
Okay, that takes a bit longer than you may think needed..but it doesn't. Its WAY LESS time than sitting in your car in front of the house waiting on dudes from craigslist..hoping they know whats up, hoping they wont rob you, hoping they give you real numbers, hoping...nah. too much wasted time. And to me, time is my most valuable asset.
Anyway- Thats the basics, choose from whomever is easy to work with. If they don't respond or seem WAY TOO eager, no biggy, pick the one that makes you feel comfy.
2-3 deals under your belt and you will see the benefits of doing things this way- Saves time, money, keeps you "in the loop" and in control but w/out forcing you to be onsite or whatever. The money you save on a GC you can pay a pro to do inspections ever week and insure you are getting non-biased reports. (mine are 250.00 if I did the initial set up) which is far less than the at least 20% a GC will make off you.

Pay everyone better than anyone and everyone will work for your benefit.