the REAL property expert


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"I need" should be defined; very clearly and firmly.

I see a lot of newbies "needing" their first deal. Its a need. Not a want, but a need. Its just the emotion needed to have some quit and some go all in on a deal they know won't profit. All because of the "need". Its not a need. Its a want. You need income, you need food, you need shelter, you don't need a deal.

I get it though, you need one to become an investor. Or so they think...The reality is that you need an asset that will further your cause. If I offer you a cut of ownership on a gold mine in S. America you likely won't be persuaded off real estate and onto gold in S. America. However, many will be persuaded into choices that are 100% not what they should be doing, if pursuing an asset to further your financial success is your goal. i.e. non-deals that don't profit like they should but will at least be a deal so you don't have to be a newbie having done no deals; when everyone says that life changes after the first one and its easier. Well, yea. If you do a great deal that fits your goals then its way easier after that (confidence that despite not getting a deal over and over that eventually it will happen and having it make since up front is vital to success at the end.) and the income part is kinda cool for making your "time" to spend on investing much more open.

Anyway- DOn't be following a path to fools gold if you want success in real estate- Focus on the Real Property ASSET; and less about "a deal."