Real Estate Investor / Guide

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Marketing tip- with a storyline.

Your team is your success. They must trust you and you trust them.

Focus on your ability to be in service of others. Help people in an honest and forthright way. Do not do things for the money, when you can do things for others. It pays well.

i.e. 99% of my deals in the last 10yrs have been referrals. From other investors or from people I have bought / sold property from, the lady who used to cut my hair, friends who know what I do, local facebook groups I get tagged in, etc.

People who know me know I will tell anyone exactly what their property could be worth, what it would cost to get there, and what that means as its current fair market price...for me to make a profit. I even tell them, "There are a lot of bad investors out there that will give you more than I will, because they don't know what they are doing or plan on not doing things right." Then I let people make up their own minds. I dont' play games or use sales tactics. Not everyone is going to sell to me anyway, so I may miss out on some deals but I also gain a lot more by being how I am.

Example- "I pay 65% of ARV minus repairs. That doesn't mean I make 35%. 7% goes to my realtor cause she misses her kids soccer games on Sat for me so I pay her well. Holding cost and closing cost are around 10%. That puts me at 18% profit IF everything goes perfect. I can loan money to one of those overpaying investors and make 16-18% (14% + points) on a hard money loan. BUT, if you wanna make that 18% and do all these things yourself and pay for the repairs, holding cost, closing cost, then you 100% should. Its your choice."

It feels good to be honest, to give them ALL the info as an expert, and have them still choose, MOST of the time, to sell to me. Plus, I don't have to watch my back at the local grocery store. (I only do deals w/in 10miles of my home.)

Sure, you can put out a big ol net to bring in lots of fish. But if you didnt get a crew to help sort the fish you will have a lot of keepers dying on the deck while you fight with a squid.

Wanna sell me your property or know someone who would?

Contact me