the REAL property expert


Blogs to help your journey.

My history, my situation, my future.

The facts of the what matters (to me)

I never wanted to be "successful" or even own a home. I didn't want kids, even though I didn't hate them, and didn't want to ever get married.

Things changed. I have flipped 100's of homes, dozens of multifamily, and built millions of sqft of commercial / retail. I live in a house worth more than most in my family had made in their career and only owe 1/10th its value on a mortgage (its really the land and the house thats pricey). I have 5 kids ranging from 24-almost 2 (nice house, no cable) and am very much in love with my wife.

At one point I had 14 full time employees in the office and 6 supervisors in the field and was running dozens of jobs per month with hundreds of trades. I thought "Im doing all this for my family." while barely making it in time for every game, and having to leave early from party's. One time we went to Disney and I was on the phone, the whole time, to the point of annoying others in lines. That made me TONS of cash, but wasn't' success.

I sold it all, and did nothing for a year for work. I did completely renovate my own home, on my own, with my own hands, AND spend TONS of time with my family. Like, a lot. Bike rides, surfing, park trips, I bought an RV and we traveled around a bit. It was awesome.

I got bored, and tired of people failing. Even though I wasn't in business anymore people still had my cell number and would call to ask for help. I typically would refer people seeking ac help to an ac guy, etc. But people wanting to sell me their homes was rough. There was no good way to just pass them off to someone and know, for sure, nobody was going to get screwed. My whole life was made around being a middle man making sure dim property owners and dim contractors didnt' fight over dim stuff.

I tried to "mentor". I didn't have a program or a class or a way to charge people. I just knew several people who had begged me for years to teach them. I tried. They gave up for various reasons and most were because "this is hard." I dont like clubs or programs to teach people house hacks /flipping/ etc. Its just impossible to put everything into a 100 books. I had no plans to make money off those people, just wanted to have friends I could go blow some cash w/ and not have them need to go into debt to do so.

(wrapping it up) I flip a few homes a year and I consult for some REITs and Family Trust along with doing maybe one development a year. I don't hustle anymore, other than to chase down one of my litter as they get into my tools...again. I dont need to milk money out of every interaction or seek angles. Its just something I do to cure my boredom and to make me feel accomplished while adding bank to my legacy. I'll never spend all I have earned up to now anyway....but the problem solving and constant learning (even after 25yrs) has kept me fed and happy, instead of seeking it in deals. That, is my new success that I enjoy that I didnt' even know was possible.

I won’t mentor you, but I will answer any questions you may have.

Contact me


Jeph Burnett