the REAL property expert


Blogs to help your journey.

Clues, patterns, tells, and secret sauces of REI.

I wanted to write a book, I took notes on "everything" needed to be an investor from start to finish. It has wound up being several volumes of composition notebooks.

Its too much. As much as I want to help others I feel like no matter who much I jot down, there are TONS of things I left out.

1 example- Plumbers, A/C contractors, Electricians, or any trade that requires a license who doesn't display their license number on marketing materials. Its a law pretty much everywhere and if they aren't doing that then they are breaking the law. If they are willing to break the law, then they are will to do other things that could harm you and your project. Seems simple, but if a A/C guy is on a Facebook group posting about deals he can do but doesn't provide that number then they are breaking the law.

I used to not think all these laws and rules about construction were "vital", but they are. Sure you can get a good deal off a fella who doesn't do everything by the book....but thats not what most people get. And they certainly don't get something they can explain to the insurance company if something goes wrong and the rebel you hired takes off. YOU hired them, you are responsible.

Anyway. I love this "job" and being an investor. Certainly the happiest I have been. But I am grateful for the years of being a handy man, then contractor, then GC, then Project manager/Property manager taught me TONS of lessons and "secrets". There is just no way to put them all in a book and a "program" would take so long to be legit that I feel like a lot of specifics may be worthless in 20yrs ....when I finished.

Time and experience (failures and recovery's) have been the best teacher of the secrets; for me.

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Jeph Burnett